
Sunday, March 19, 2017

What would I do if I could spend a day with living legends?

I think the three people I would want to meet would be Gordon Ramsay, Steve Jobs, and Walt Disney. I think some reasons why I would want to meet these people would be...
 A. So I could have a delicious meal from Gordon Ramsay because his food looks amazing.
B. So I could ask Steve Jobs about how he created the apple chain and ask if he ever thought if it would be successful
C.So I could ask Walt Disney about the process of creating animations.

I don't really think I would wanna go anywhere other than the grocery store so I could buy ingredients that Gordon Ramsay would need to give me one of the best meals I will ever have.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'll bet it would be a delicious meal!
