
Sunday, December 18, 2016

My "Famous" Name

My real name means fame in German.  But, that's not what it means in my house. In my house, my name means, You did something wrong. In school it means, new teacher. And with my friends it means, It's just a prank. But, those meanings are rarely used. I use the name Red. Red like the color. You see, the name Red is just the name of a color. Robert means Fame. I however, do not like the name Robert no matter what it means. I have come to like the name Red. I have never understood how I got my name, but I never asked. I guess that the reason that I don't like the name Robert is because that is what my Dad's name is, and what my Grandpa's name is. When someone calls me Red, it doesn't feel like they are calling me my Dad's name like it does when people say Robert, it feels like they are calling me my name. My own name.

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