Dear 5th Grade Me...
I have some advice for you...
1) Develop Study Habits! I know it sounds really boring to do, but it will be worth it! Even right now I still need to work on my studying
2) Try to stay close to your friends, or they might drift away. Sometimes, friends you have known for a long time, will change. Or maybe, you will change, but either way, keep your close friends.
3) Prepare for a whole different world. Right now, you may be just coasting by in school, barely doing work, but I assure you that middle school is completely different. There is much more work that you have to do, and sometimes it can mess with your sleep
4) Finally, STOP PROCRASTINATING. I wish I could have actually taken this advice, but know that if you procrastinate in the future, you will definitely regret it.
lol I'm back boi